Thursday, March 28, 2013
The wannabe show creator said
Morgan Chase & Co. The wannabe show creator said, “Vice President Joe Biden has a demonstrated ability to bring people together, whether at the negotiating table or at the neighborhood diner” and argued the White House should capture “the daily activities and interactions of the Vice President with elected officials, foreign dignitaries and everyday American families. Affected by the huangpu river upstream dead pig floating event 6 intake, raw water turbidity, color, odor and taste, visible to the naked eye, permanganate index, ammonia nitrogen, total number of colonies, total coliforms, fecal coliforms 9 indexes such as the overall stability; Nine waterworks 9 indicators meet the national effluent standard, total coliforms, heat-resistant coliform group was "not detected". French President Francois Hollande said yesterday France will arm the opposition after the embargo expiration even if other EU countries support extending it.There had been widespread apprehension about a shutdown on Wednesday, when the meeting was announced, Kadzis said, and staffers in Portland and Providence feared they might also be let go."Alexandraleanne21 added, "I love you Justin so much, always have always will."Alexandraleanne21 added, "I love you Justin so much, always have always will. It’s not an anger thing."Some are short range, though I wouldn't underestimate those.Front desk staff is responsible for picking up and sorting of tableware.Dorner hid out in the San Bernardino Mountains until Feb.Liu Dongfu: reform of the railway, from head office, it is the most concern is to ensure the safety of railway transportation, and strive to improve service force, of course with market mechanism, rail companies will pay more attention to the efficiency and benefit, so after the reform, the railway operational mechanism will be more flexible, we are now under the hope is to establish a national macroeconomic regulation and control on the basis of market orientation of a price formation and adjustment mechanism, that is to say, the future price could be under the control of national rise and fall, we hope that the future as an enterprise's freight, can reflect more reasonable transportation cost compensation, can well reflect the price comparison of various modes of transport. Hernandez was shot in the back and Carranza had minor, the Phoenix Media/Communication Corp. He also brought up the Sandy Hook massacre and gun legislation in the Senate. "They shouldn't speak without knowing what they are saying! They don't imagine how hard you have been working just to be happy ."In the end, Bieber's message left fans elated that he spoke up for himself.K.
I’m getting bombarded from all directions
”“I’m getting bombarded from all directions, and besides that, I’m devastated,” Kennedy wrote. Of jinshan district in Shanghai and zhejiang provincial boundary waters has the critical point of strengthening the salvage and interception point."I doubt that that's because that's what they really want, but that's what they really need to provide for their families," Parker said in an interview.J. Feb.Federal employee Leslie Shah went back to work just after her second child celebrated his first birthday, one of a growing number of American mothers who are choosing full-time work since the U.”In the first episode, “The Sportman’s Ethic,” Biden gives the backstory on a snapshot taken while volunteering at the Whitehall Neck Sportsman Club’s Wild Game Dinner in Leipsic, Delaware.”With that terse dispatch, the ground-breaking, Boston alternative weekly, which only six months ago reinvented itself from tabloid newspaper into glossy magazine, put a final punctuation mark on its announcement that its current issue, dated March 15, will be its last. Everyone does.According to Kadzis, the switch from tabloid to glossy last October won favor with readers and local advertisers. It makes sense, she said, that the Portland Phoenix will remain open, as will the Providence Phoenix, which plans to add four full-time reporters.Jonas, who noted he has waived all his fees, said he hoped that all other issues including personal injury can be resolved without the need to file a lawsuit or have a trial.According to report of xinhua news agency, India's prime minister, manmohan singh, 13 ask Italy back two Italian soldiers allegedly shot and killed the Indian fishermen, the reason is the Indian side prior to allow two people back home, 11 Italy announced that they would not have back to India on trial.“We’ll get paid for this week and if we’re owed vacation time, but no severance,” said staff writer Chris Faraone. In addition to employees, the company owes money to roughly 40 other creditors, including law firms, accountants, utilities, landlords and suppliers. "They shouldn't speak without knowing what they are saying! They don't imagine how hard you have been working just to be happy .K."Alexandraleanne21 added, "I love you Justin so much, always have always will.
the economic realities versus what
Leng sary is referred to as the Khmer rouge "number three", served as deputy prime minister and foreign minister, announced in the 1990 s from the Khmer rouge, support the Cambodian government led by hun sen said.Fathers spent 17 hours taking care of chores and children per week in 2011 compared to about seven hours four decades ago. It’s not an anger thing. One woman who did that, former Lehman Brothers chief financial officer Erin Callan, lamented in the New York Times on Sunday never having taken the time to have children. It is expected that about 40 employees will be let go within the week and another ten or so soon after, according to executive editor Peter Kadzis, who described the general reaction among Phoenix staffers as “shell-shocked.”The Boston Phoenix’s owner and publisher doesn’t plan a formal bankruptcy filing, but the company has hired The Gordon Law Firm in Boston to liquidate the paper’s assets and distribute the proceeds to creditors. But I'm sorry all this is happening. Hernandez was shot in the back and Carranza had minor injuries.S."ECONOMIC REALITIES"The recession, which hit more traditional male jobs such as those in construction, in many cases flipped the economic burden and turned mothers into breadwinners.According to report of xinhua news agency, India's prime minister, manmohan singh, 13 ask Italy back two Italian soldiers allegedly shot and killed the Indian fishermen, the reason is the Indian side prior to allow two people back home, 11 Italy announced that they would not have back to India on trial.Tray does not make any to wipe, then be replay on new advertising color printing paper and folded, and many times contact with after eating junk at the bottom of the tray is not clean, without clean again after contact with the advertising paper, leads to new change advertising paper tray, before customers to use the already dirty.K.”In general, however, alternative newspapers in large markets, like Boston, are not flourishing at the level of their counterparts in smaller, less competitive cities, Shackelford added.Jonas said the women were still not doing well.
The attack on the women's pickup
economic downturn. Aviv Kochavi, said Thursday that Syrian President Bashar Assad is preparing for the potential use of chemical weapons. Everyone’s really proud. Dorner killed one sheriff's deputy and wounded another in a gunbattle that ended with fire consuming the cabin he holed up in. Mindich at a 2 p. Moments later, nearby local police opened fire on a pickup truck driven by a surfer heading to the beach. The deal specified no admission of liability. You are beyond amazing. But I'm sorry all this is happening. 7 when LAPD officers guarding the suburban Torrance home of a Dorner target blasted at least 100 rounds into their Toyota pickup.There had been widespread apprehension about a shutdown on Wednesday, when the meeting was announced, Kadzis said, and staffers in Portland and Providence feared they might also be let go."- show worship outside the shop in the cityCloth into the pot to go up12 noon, afternoon passenger flow peak, search show yoshino home worship outside the shop in the city, the most busy is 40 square meters after hutch. As an attendee of the event for more than 30 years, Biden gushed over the hunters’ strong sense of ethics when it comes to being responsible with their weapons and giving back to the community. Reports show, nuon chea, Johnson at Penn, leng sary and others from 1975 to 1979 during the rule of Cambodia, killing about 2 million people because of the famine, servitude, disease or torture and death, the figure is equivalent to 1/5 of the total population in Cambodia at that time, the United Nations and the Cambodian government to pursue its responsibility and set up a special court. Subsequently, Eva airways had scheduled another round-trip charter asked, "have a health certificate, please? Reporters before and after did not engage in work related to catering, she said, "today first mount guard, health certificate, please we can do back in a few days.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Your Beliebers will always be by your side
The attack on the women's pickup truck wasn't the only mistaken police shooting Wholesale Costumes that morning in Torrance.The uproar stirred by the female executives opened wounds about privilege, choice and class divide.About half of women who struggled financially said working full time was ideal, compared to about 31 percent of those who said they live comfortably, the nonpartisan research group's report said. Still, that is about half the 32 hours now spent by mothers. Dish between officials say, as long as guarantee the tray can't see the grain food residue and water stains, "if the tray is dirty, just with the front desk cloth to wipe the table.K.Mindich, in his statement to employees, said he was “extremely proud, as all of you should be, of the highest standards of journalism we have set and maintained throughout the decades in all of our areas of coverage and the important role we have played in driving political and socially progressive and responsible agendas; in covering the worlds of arts and entertainment, food and fashion – always with a critical view, while at the same time promoting their enormous importance in maintaining a healthy society; and in advocating for the recognition and acceptance of a wide range of lifestyles that are so valuable for a vibrant society. It also has some intellectual property and furniture.The errant shooting in Torrance occurred just hours after Dorner shot and wounded a Los Angeles police officer in Riverside County and then ambushed two police officers in the city of Riverside, killing one and wounding the other. Hernandez was shot in the back and Carranza had minor injuries. Still, that is about half the 32 hours now spent by mothers. "First soak a few minutes, reoccupy dishcloth to clean the clean", the staff said, wash in the pool water simply replace the four or five times a day."Sexy Halloween Costumes In the end, Bieber's message left fans elated that he spoke up for himself. The company’s custom publishing unit and MassWeb Printing operation, based in Auburn, Mass. In addition to employees, the company owes money to roughly 40 other creditors, including law firms, accountants, utilities, landlords and suppliers.
"Gas prices are up, my grocery bill is up
"Gas prices are up, my grocery bill is up. Morgan Chase & Co. “We have had an extraordinary run. Morgan Chase & Co.P."I enjoy work.7 FM.Kendra Jochum, a 33-year-old mother of two boys, aged four and one, was buying a new house in Maryland when she and her husband found out they were having a baby girl.On Thursday, the White House launched new audio series with Soundcloud, “Being Biden,” starring Vice President Joe Biden, naturally.Pew's findings, based in part on its survey of 2,511 adults nationwide in late 2012, came amid renewed public debate about working mothers in the United States. meeting Thursday.News of the Phoenix’s closure only six months after the format change blindsided even alternative media insiders. So stay tuned.’s online radio station, will not continue in its present form, its fate to be decided shortly.The intelligence chief claimed that Iran and Hezbollah have increased their assistance to Assad, each dispatching 50,000 fighters to bolster Syrian military's operations over the past six months.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
the end came.According to Kadzis
”Six months later, however, the end came.According to Kadzis, the switch from tabloid to glossy last October won favor with readers and local advertisers.Host: after listen carefully again, we confirm that, like YanSong puts it, he's talking about the policy. The New York company's trading losses ultimately exceeded $6 billion. You have to know just how to stretch every paycheck. Good night and good luck.The vice president is in high demand. “My understanding was that the new format was successful and that the glossy was starting to attract national advertisers.There had been widespread apprehension about a shutdown on Wednesday, when the meeting was announced, Kadzis said, and staffers in Portland and Providence feared they might also be let go.' J, it's brilliant, u're right.' J, it's brilliant, u're right.Gordon first plans to pay any taxes, employee wages, and fees related to the liquidation process and then distribute any remaining cash evenly to other creditors.J.The report, the product of more than 50 interviews and a review . This has not been stopped, food residue in water pipes by bacterial decomposition, resulting in oil, gas, so that the room have bad smell is difficult to disperse.
As an attendee of the event for more than 30 years
As an attendee of the event for more than 30 years, Biden gushed over the hunters’ strong sense of ethics when it comes to being responsible with their weapons and giving back to the community.Jonas said the women were still not doing well. Gordon, who will oversee the process, estimated the business had $1. Good night and good luck.Fathers spent 17 hours taking care of chores and children per week in 2011 compared to about seven hours four decades ago."Lead researcher Kim Parker cited the 2007-2009 recession as the likely factor behind the findings, adding that fewer women said they wanted to work full time before the downturn.“Many of our papers are actually improving circulation,” she said. It’s not an anger thing. You can always count on us (#beliebers), we will never let you down.' J, it's brilliant, u're right. “My understanding was that the new format was successful and that the glossy was starting to attract national advertisers. I am a child of the alt-weekly world and I feel like it has played such an important role in journalism as we know it today. I am a child of the alt-weekly world and I feel like it has played such an important role in journalism as we know it today.“I wanted to start this audio series to give you all a closer look inside the life at the White House and the vice presidency,” Biden said in an introductory clip. Providence and Portland have been better able to sustain themselves with local advertising, Kadzis noted.
Monday, March 25, 2013
that between the ideal and the reality
P. “It’s a fascinating world, and I’d like to share some of my experiences with you.Jonas said the women were still not doing well.France and the U. The deal specified no admission of liability. Subsequently, Eva airways had scheduled another round-trip charter asked, "have a health certificate, please? Reporters before and after did not engage in work related to catering, she said, "today first mount guard, health certificate, please we can do back in a few days.”Employees will not get any severance pay. Everyone, the Phoenix Media/Communication Corp.Sexy Lingerie“We’ll get paid for this week and if we’re owed vacation time, but no severance,” said staff writer Chris Faraone.Margie Carranza and her 71-year-old mother, Emma Hernandez, were delivering papers around 5 a.said Germany would proceed “very cautiously” on calls by the U. Your Beliebers will always be by your side, through [thick] and thin. * Related * Woodstock Institute finds gender bias in joint home loan, refinancing approvals Why you may want to put man's name first on mortgage application * Facebook's Sandberg says men need to mentor women more * Confusing career advice for women Op-Ed: Sandberg's "Lean In" offers confusing career advice for women * Number of working women far below aspirations -- KatamineAds by Google"It really came down to a financial decision," said Shah, 44, who lives in Maryland just outside Washington."In fact, his fans seem aware of the ups and downs Bieber has faced and may potentially face in the future, but they plan to be by his side regardless.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
will bowl thrown into clear water reserviors
The company’s main asset is roughly $500,000 in promised services and goods the Phoenix received in exchange for advertising, but it’s not clear how much a buyer would pay for the bartered goods. The wannabe show creator said, “Vice President Joe Biden has a demonstrated ability to bring people together, whether at the negotiating table or at the neighborhood diner” and argued the White House should capture “the daily activities and interactions of the Vice President with elected officials, foreign dignitaries and everyday American families. Leng sary because the Khmer rouge in 1975-1979 reign committed genocide charges Cambodia special court for trial. Most said mothers working part-time or not at all would be better.”Six months later, however, the end came.The errant shooting in Torrance occurred just hours after Dorner shot and wounded a Los Angeles police officer in Riverside County and then ambushed two police officers in the city of Riverside, killing one and wounding the other.Gordon first plans to pay any taxes, employee wages, and fees related to the liquidation process and then distribute any remaining cash evenly to other creditors. Thank you for everything you have done.""You've come a long way and you have a longer way to go," priyankalove wrote. One woman who did that, former Lehman Brothers chief financial officer Erin Callan, lamented in the New York Times on Sunday never having taken the time to have children.”Employees at the Phoenix, whose origins date back to 1966, were told of the closings by owner and publisher Stephen M.“I wanted to start this audio series to give you all a closer look inside the life at the White House and the vice presidency,” Biden said in an introductory clip. A Pew Research Center Report released on Thursday found nearly one in three Americans mothers last year said they would prefer a full-time job, up from one in five in 2007. So stay tuned.Federal employee Leslie Shah went back to work just after her second child celebrated his first birthday, one of a growing number of American mothers who are choosing full-time work since the U.
s online radio station
’s online radio station, will not continue in its present form, its fate to be decided shortly. A once persecuted Cambodia old man told the global times reporter said: "all senior Khmer rouge leaders have been old, probably hasn't had enough time to trial has died, at the end of the day they may be formal and none on the court.2 percentage points.3 billion on the trades.“I wanted to start this audio series to give you all a closer look inside the life at the White House and the vice presidency,” Biden said in an introductory clip.”“I’m getting bombarded from all directions, and besides that, I’m devastated,” Kennedy wrote. I will forever believe in you." In the fall, Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer announced she put in a full day's work two weeks after her baby was born, then banned telecommuting a few months later. He also brought up the Sandy Hook massacre and gun legislation in the Senate. Authorities believe he killed himself with a gunshot to the head. Some have a range of 45 kilometers; and there are thousands of rockets with ranges of 200 to 300 kilometers, as well as dozens of long-range missiles," Kochavi said. One woman who did that, former Lehman Brothers chief financial officer Erin Callan, lamented in the New York Times on Sunday never having taken the time to have children. I'm gonna make mistakes."Pipadias98 had more words of support for Bieber. The store makes a simple interview a manager surnamed lu told reporters, and fill out personal information.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
in his statement to employees
Overall about half each say it's very or somewhat difficult, according to the Pew survey, which had a margin of error of 2. Of jinshan district in Shanghai and zhejiang provincial boundary waters has the critical point of strengthening salvage inside and intercept point; Now huangpu river upstream raw water quality is relatively stable, reflecting organic matter pollution indices such as oxygen consumption of the raw water quality is not abnormal.K.” Several people were crying during the meeting, according to one person who was there.“We’ll get paid for this week and if we’re owed vacation time, but no severance,” said staff writer Chris Faraone. Mindich at a 2 p. Walking on it, need to be careful.Tray to wash once a weekStore in the ginza, the reporter found that, when a dish juice when touch to the outside of the plate along or bowl, the front office of preach food trade union use in food on the stage of "black" rag wipe off in time, and has little chance to clean cloth in a day.m." In the fall, Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer announced she put in a full day's work two weeks after her baby was born, then banned telecommuting a few months later. You're running on empty," she said. There were not enough national advertisers to make the glossy weekly economically viable. "First soak a few minutes, reoccupy dishcloth to clean the clean", the staff said, wash in the pool water simply replace the four or five times a day. Of jinshan district in Shanghai and zhejiang provincial boundary waters has the critical point of strengthening salvage inside and intercept point; Now huangpu river upstream raw water quality is relatively stable, reflecting organic matter pollution indices such as oxygen consumption of the raw water quality is not abnormal. French President Francois Hollande said yesterday France will arm the opposition after the embargo expiration even if other EU countries support extending it.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
any American lingerie and gadgets store
My personal Sweetheart Shop, any American lingerie and gadgets store, commemorated it's grand cracking open recently around Encino.
The shop reopened inside middle April following ex- proprietor finished the venue, which was often known as Sara's Underwear, with 12.
Hagit Eden ordered a shop, which is found at 17211 Ventura Blvd., in the past proprietor. Eden's new mother, Emi Jardeni, carries on work with their grocer.
"Everything is completely new," Jardeni mentioned, encouraging Encino ladies in the future set for fittings along with variations.
Are girls choosing vaginal mutilation because of their private matrimony equality? And are also individuals daughters shopping for nighties in order to sign sexual interest for their partners? In accordance with Shereem El Feki's fresh ebook, "Sex plus the Citadel,In of course.
Yesterday NPR's Outdoors spoken with El Feki, ad units vice lounge chair from the Anyone.D.Is World Commission payment with Human immunodeficiency virus plus Regulation, and also a past medical care surgeon for your Economist, as their book looks at this formerly overlooked sexual plus public legal guidelines of young Arab couples, principally gals.
Quite a few her advancements in regards to the cultural in addition to erotic local weather of such twenty-somethings are usually, undoubtedly, worrying... nonetheless we should bear in mind which The states can use your primer in women's proper rights, very.
Around the need for hymen fix surgical procedures, which will El Feki categorizes as being a "shadowy small business:" "I know girls who had been delivered with their families by way of their particular spouses simply because, since you point out, they didn't lose blood upon defloweration.In .
Adjusted 2008, Ninety percent associated with Egypt gals below the age of 60 were circumcised, and about 80 % of ladies good old 20 for you to Seventeen-year-old ended up being circumcised, particularly, although many Egypt management are actually singing the practice connected with feminine hpv mutilation is usually up against the lessons of Islam and Christianity. So who actually definitely makes the determination in every personal scenario? Shockingly, it's not the boys of your home.
The shop reopened inside middle April following ex- proprietor finished the venue, which was often known as Sara's Underwear, with 12.
Hagit Eden ordered a shop, which is found at 17211 Ventura Blvd., in the past proprietor. Eden's new mother, Emi Jardeni, carries on work with their grocer.
"Everything is completely new," Jardeni mentioned, encouraging Encino ladies in the future set for fittings along with variations.
Are girls choosing vaginal mutilation because of their private matrimony equality? And are also individuals daughters shopping for nighties in order to sign sexual interest for their partners? In accordance with Shereem El Feki's fresh ebook, "Sex plus the Citadel,In of course.
Yesterday NPR's Outdoors spoken with El Feki, ad units vice lounge chair from the Anyone.D.Is World Commission payment with Human immunodeficiency virus plus Regulation, and also a past medical care surgeon for your Economist, as their book looks at this formerly overlooked sexual plus public legal guidelines of young Arab couples, principally gals.
Quite a few her advancements in regards to the cultural in addition to erotic local weather of such twenty-somethings are usually, undoubtedly, worrying... nonetheless we should bear in mind which The states can use your primer in women's proper rights, very.
Around the need for hymen fix surgical procedures, which will El Feki categorizes as being a "shadowy small business:" "I know girls who had been delivered with their families by way of their particular spouses simply because, since you point out, they didn't lose blood upon defloweration.In .
Adjusted 2008, Ninety percent associated with Egypt gals below the age of 60 were circumcised, and about 80 % of ladies good old 20 for you to Seventeen-year-old ended up being circumcised, particularly, although many Egypt management are actually singing the practice connected with feminine hpv mutilation is usually up against the lessons of Islam and Christianity. So who actually definitely makes the determination in every personal scenario? Shockingly, it's not the boys of your home.
Monday, March 18, 2013
High blood pressure in people with a genetic risk for Alzheimer's
MONDAY, March 18 (HealthDay News) -- High blood pressure in people with a genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease may spur development of brain plaque, a hallmark of the age-related brain disorder, a new study suggests.
The findings suggest yet another reason for keeping blood pressure, also known as hypertension, under control, the researchers said.
"Maintaining good vascular health by avoiding or controlling diseases like hypertension has important benefits beyond keeping your heart healthy. It may promote good brain health as we age," said lead researcher Karen Rodrigue, an assistant professor of behavioral and brain sciences at the University of Texas at Dallas.
This is especially so for people who are genetically at risk for Alzheimers disease, the study suggested. "Keeping good vascular health may limit or delay the brain changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and other aging-related neurological deterioration," Rodrigue said.
No cure exist for Alzheimer's, and experts anticipate that by 2050 the number of Americans with the brain disease will approach 14 million if no progress is made.
The study of nearly 120 adults found that people with this genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease -- called an apolipoprotein E 4 allele -- plus untreated high blood pressure have more beta-amyloid plaques compared to those with just one or neither of these risk factors.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Gather era with their own experience has shown that
Gather era with their own experience has shown that "the dream silk" the money is a lot of money.
Together on March 9, time published in 2012 in the fourth quarter and full-year results. Fourth quarter earnings, according to gather times the net revenue of 266.8 million yuan, increased by 136.3% than the same period last year; The net profit of 33.2 million yuan, 4 million yuan than the same period last year growth of 730%. The annual net revenue is 820 million yuan, more than 156.5% growth in fiscal year 2011; Net profit of 89.2 million yuan.
This is a company that has just listed on nasdaq last November, in 2005, it is just listed. By voice, text and video allows users to participate in the activities of real-time network group, several business this hold up the wealth myth.
"Thanks to the fourth quarter of 2012 the rapid growth of the gaming and entertainment business." Gather era, head of a company to the investors newspaper reporter that explain why the performance is increased.
YY voice is gather profits start times, has now accumulated 450 million registered users, "the data will grow steadily. In high-end users will gradually be attracted to YY platform, online entertainment and online education, is the development direction of key this year." The company official said together era.
But it's hard to say if this is too optimistic. The us investment bank, have put together the rating to neutral, "can you still keep high speed growth this year, should be to consider problem." Internet analyst GeJia said to the investors newspaper reporter.
The biggest confusion from the mobile terminal. "Mobile terminal is YY's biggest problem, because they have no resource to do this, it will be very demanding." GeJia said. PC growth slowed, and PC online education is still a long way to go, such a situation, mobile terminal is more important.
Difficult to find profit growth point
In the together time roadshow PPT, according to the main business including YY game together era, YY YY education and music. Gather time think tencent, sina, and YY is with three Chinese social network. YY now has 70 million active monthly users, all 52 hours online, 84% market share.
YY is to provide users with voice services, and other related services based on voice, it will make the transport of the game, chat rooms and online channels. JiJianZhe, an analyst at analysys international said: "profit model is to sell advertising space, the game is divided into income, and users to purchase virtual products, as well as value-added services like diamond membership."
"Era of the company's profit there are a lot of sources, Internet advertising, member, entertainment, games, etc., various win close modes coexist, is the characteristic of the platform class business." Gather time the chief says, "we are building a communication platform with audio and video as the core, to provide users with strong presence in the communication, this is business model together age."
Current game, is YY voice and value-added business profits, the development direction of online education will be later. While online education, for YY, may be more high-end users.
However, grassroots strong YY in development on a higher level of user resistance. JiJianZhe said, online education might attract more high-end users, but if these users paying ability is not strong, they can't put more force on it.
"YY is not as good as QQ high-end user groups, online education, at present, this cannot, the market environment is not good, no time." GeJia said, "YY must find profit growth point, or growth, with 27% of active users is not enough to support existing shares."
And the layout of the online education and the growth seems to be more symbolic significance, YY said publicly, don't expect online education profits this year, perhaps let investors see the growth, is the top priority. Moving the situation was so, want to new business, new growth, YY can give investors continue to tell a story. And new business and tide wait for no man, in fact, professional web site have been eager to grab the market.
Together on March 9, time published in 2012 in the fourth quarter and full-year results. Fourth quarter earnings, according to gather times the net revenue of 266.8 million yuan, increased by 136.3% than the same period last year; The net profit of 33.2 million yuan, 4 million yuan than the same period last year growth of 730%. The annual net revenue is 820 million yuan, more than 156.5% growth in fiscal year 2011; Net profit of 89.2 million yuan.
This is a company that has just listed on nasdaq last November, in 2005, it is just listed. By voice, text and video allows users to participate in the activities of real-time network group, several business this hold up the wealth myth.
"Thanks to the fourth quarter of 2012 the rapid growth of the gaming and entertainment business." Gather era, head of a company to the investors newspaper reporter that explain why the performance is increased.
YY voice is gather profits start times, has now accumulated 450 million registered users, "the data will grow steadily. In high-end users will gradually be attracted to YY platform, online entertainment and online education, is the development direction of key this year." The company official said together era.
But it's hard to say if this is too optimistic. The us investment bank, have put together the rating to neutral, "can you still keep high speed growth this year, should be to consider problem." Internet analyst GeJia said to the investors newspaper reporter.
The biggest confusion from the mobile terminal. "Mobile terminal is YY's biggest problem, because they have no resource to do this, it will be very demanding." GeJia said. PC growth slowed, and PC online education is still a long way to go, such a situation, mobile terminal is more important.
Difficult to find profit growth point
In the together time roadshow PPT, according to the main business including YY game together era, YY YY education and music. Gather time think tencent, sina, and YY is with three Chinese social network. YY now has 70 million active monthly users, all 52 hours online, 84% market share.
YY is to provide users with voice services, and other related services based on voice, it will make the transport of the game, chat rooms and online channels. JiJianZhe, an analyst at analysys international said: "profit model is to sell advertising space, the game is divided into income, and users to purchase virtual products, as well as value-added services like diamond membership."
"Era of the company's profit there are a lot of sources, Internet advertising, member, entertainment, games, etc., various win close modes coexist, is the characteristic of the platform class business." Gather time the chief says, "we are building a communication platform with audio and video as the core, to provide users with strong presence in the communication, this is business model together age."
Current game, is YY voice and value-added business profits, the development direction of online education will be later. While online education, for YY, may be more high-end users.
However, grassroots strong YY in development on a higher level of user resistance. JiJianZhe said, online education might attract more high-end users, but if these users paying ability is not strong, they can't put more force on it.
"YY is not as good as QQ high-end user groups, online education, at present, this cannot, the market environment is not good, no time." GeJia said, "YY must find profit growth point, or growth, with 27% of active users is not enough to support existing shares."
And the layout of the online education and the growth seems to be more symbolic significance, YY said publicly, don't expect online education profits this year, perhaps let investors see the growth, is the top priority. Moving the situation was so, want to new business, new growth, YY can give investors continue to tell a story. And new business and tide wait for no man, in fact, professional web site have been eager to grab the market.
Economic observer reporter Cheng Jiu
Economic observer reporter Cheng Jiu dragon in early march, it is people through the network said in a news release, kyushu tong (600998) chairman liu bao-lin have two id CARDS, and through its violation of usury company profit. Liu bao-lin so-called "hubei's richest man", once the message is disclosed and immediately caused a sensation.
March 17 morning, liu bao-lin told the media, including the economic observer, an interview responded that borrow from relationship of two companies - Wu Hanchu chang investment company and wuhan silver real estate companies are both brother liu bao-lin actual holdings of the company: "are their own business, does not exist the problem of usury."
Previously, network media reported, said liu bao-lin, Wu Hanchu chang outward investment company for a long time, a large number of usury, starting from may, 2011, ChuChang company to silver city of wuhan real estate development co., LTD. All loans are at 48% of the annual plan breath.
In response, liu bao-lin said in an interview, silver city of wuhan, the original is a real estate project company, its only a piece of real estate project is located in the hanyang clock home village land, for cao, head of the company.
"Silver city company is only one block, the basic no liquidity." Liu bao-lin revealed to reporters: "we are via person introduction, investment capital to participate in the development of the real estate project."
In October 2007, a silver city of wuhan, the registered capital of 10 million yuan, only cao actual controllers for the company. When Wu Hanchu chang investment company shares by the transferee and the form of capital increase, holding 80% silver city of wuhan, the registered capital of 20 million yuan. 2009, Wu Hanchu chang will all transferred to silver city of wuhan shares held by the liu bao-lin controlled by another company - guangzhou kang investment company. At this point, silver present equity structure for both wuhan, guangzhou kang has a 80% stake, cao has a 8% stake, Huang Wanhui has a 11% stake, and yan has a 1% stake.
March 17 morning, liu bao-lin told the media, including the economic observer, an interview responded that borrow from relationship of two companies - Wu Hanchu chang investment company and wuhan silver real estate companies are both brother liu bao-lin actual holdings of the company: "are their own business, does not exist the problem of usury."
Previously, network media reported, said liu bao-lin, Wu Hanchu chang outward investment company for a long time, a large number of usury, starting from may, 2011, ChuChang company to silver city of wuhan real estate development co., LTD. All loans are at 48% of the annual plan breath.
In response, liu bao-lin said in an interview, silver city of wuhan, the original is a real estate project company, its only a piece of real estate project is located in the hanyang clock home village land, for cao, head of the company.
"Silver city company is only one block, the basic no liquidity." Liu bao-lin revealed to reporters: "we are via person introduction, investment capital to participate in the development of the real estate project."
In October 2007, a silver city of wuhan, the registered capital of 10 million yuan, only cao actual controllers for the company. When Wu Hanchu chang investment company shares by the transferee and the form of capital increase, holding 80% silver city of wuhan, the registered capital of 20 million yuan. 2009, Wu Hanchu chang will all transferred to silver city of wuhan shares held by the liu bao-lin controlled by another company - guangzhou kang investment company. At this point, silver present equity structure for both wuhan, guangzhou kang has a 80% stake, cao has a 8% stake, Huang Wanhui has a 11% stake, and yan has a 1% stake.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
In a salaryman tax ten thousand yuan a month
In a salaryman tax ten thousand yuan a month, for example, a life for you
Writing: the reporter He Yingsi Jiang Yuefei
Buy $100 worth of clothes, there is the value added tax of 14.53 yuan, spent 200 yuan to a restaurant, the restaurant "share" business tax and additional 11.2 yuan... "Neighborhood the two meetings" of a few days ago, many people sigh, in addition to the individual income tax, other taxes are unclear. In fact in addition to income tax and other direct tax, along with our life, more value added tax, business tax and other indirect taxes. This to $ten thousand before tax of wage earners for template, trying to figure out he exactly a month how many tax contribution.
Pin 7500 yuan of taxes nearly 7500 yuan per month
Morning, Zhu Yi open the tap washing a face to brush your teeth, he and his family for the water about 50 yuan a month, which contains value-added tax 5.75 yuan, at the same time also contributed to urban development and water resources, urban sewage disposal, urban additional fees. If he spent 6 yuan a month to buy toothpaste, which would include the VAT 0.87 yuan. Then he ate from the supermarket to buy bread and milk, altogether spent 4 yuan, which contains value-added tax 0.58 yuan...
Zhu Yi drive to work, he's 1.6 liter displacement car refueling fee of about $1100 per month, which contains value-added tax 159.83 yuan and 140 yuan of fuel consumption. Each month, Zhu Yi parking fee of 700 yuan, it and split the business tax of the parking lot 35 yuan.
Zhu Yi at noon in a restaurant with your colleagues, spent 100 yuan, of business tax and additional 5.6 yuan. Zhu Yi "several", "drink money" every month about 200 yuan (liquor), includes a 29.1 yuan of value-added tax and consumption tax 34.18 yuan.
Zhu Yi evening eat at home, have no the vinegar, soy sauce and rice, vegetables and other costs, includes the value-added tax, city building duty, education to add, if rice and vegetables in the supermarket to buy, to pay VAT. Salt in addition to value added tax, resource tax (neglected). Rough calculation, it is assumed that rice, vegetables are in the supermarket to buy, spending 1100 yuan a month cost 100 yuan, oil salt sauce vinegar, rice dishes, VAT is 126.55 yuan, oil salt sauce vinegar VAT is 14.53 yuan.
Journalists try to provide bills Zhu Yi, calculate he cost of a month, how much "contribution" of the tax (assuming that businesses are the tax cost on to their customers). Zhu Yi in addition to the child's education cost is the wife to pay, he burden of the family daily necessities, such as car charge. Household spending, he spent 7580 yuan a month, and the rough estimates, spending of 7580 yuan, with value-added tax, business tax and consumption tax, a total of $981.86, about 12.9% of the cost. Calculation is not including VAT and urban construction tax and additional taxes.
Tax ten thousand yuan to 7000 yuan
Zhu Yi in the example above, the "white collar" is actually $ten thousand before tax. But for all the talk about income, Zhu Yi still are not satisfied, "practical it is before ten thousand, but more than 7000 yuan, to raise a large family, is actually a moonlight clan."
Why before ten thousand, it was only 7000 yuan, 2000 yuan in the middle of the where did what go? Turned out to pay the social insurance, housing fund and tax.
Originally, in addition to tax 365 yuan, each working class to participate in social insurance and individual pay part including, endowment insurance 8%, 2% of medical treatment insurance, unemployed insurance 1%, that calculate, Zhu Yi pay less $1100. Zhu Yi also need pay accumulation fund, the current regulation is unit can according to the proportion of 5% ~ 12% pay salary, Zhu Yi company selected is 8%, and that another 800 yuan a month into the accumulation fund account, but finally accumulation fund Zhu Yi own.
That is to say, the total deduction of 2265 yuan, is three insurances plus tax money, three insurances accounted for more than eighty percent.
Writing: the reporter He Yingsi Jiang Yuefei
Buy $100 worth of clothes, there is the value added tax of 14.53 yuan, spent 200 yuan to a restaurant, the restaurant "share" business tax and additional 11.2 yuan... "Neighborhood the two meetings" of a few days ago, many people sigh, in addition to the individual income tax, other taxes are unclear. In fact in addition to income tax and other direct tax, along with our life, more value added tax, business tax and other indirect taxes. This to $ten thousand before tax of wage earners for template, trying to figure out he exactly a month how many tax contribution.
Pin 7500 yuan of taxes nearly 7500 yuan per month
Morning, Zhu Yi open the tap washing a face to brush your teeth, he and his family for the water about 50 yuan a month, which contains value-added tax 5.75 yuan, at the same time also contributed to urban development and water resources, urban sewage disposal, urban additional fees. If he spent 6 yuan a month to buy toothpaste, which would include the VAT 0.87 yuan. Then he ate from the supermarket to buy bread and milk, altogether spent 4 yuan, which contains value-added tax 0.58 yuan...
Zhu Yi drive to work, he's 1.6 liter displacement car refueling fee of about $1100 per month, which contains value-added tax 159.83 yuan and 140 yuan of fuel consumption. Each month, Zhu Yi parking fee of 700 yuan, it and split the business tax of the parking lot 35 yuan.
Zhu Yi at noon in a restaurant with your colleagues, spent 100 yuan, of business tax and additional 5.6 yuan. Zhu Yi "several", "drink money" every month about 200 yuan (liquor), includes a 29.1 yuan of value-added tax and consumption tax 34.18 yuan.
Zhu Yi evening eat at home, have no the vinegar, soy sauce and rice, vegetables and other costs, includes the value-added tax, city building duty, education to add, if rice and vegetables in the supermarket to buy, to pay VAT. Salt in addition to value added tax, resource tax (neglected). Rough calculation, it is assumed that rice, vegetables are in the supermarket to buy, spending 1100 yuan a month cost 100 yuan, oil salt sauce vinegar, rice dishes, VAT is 126.55 yuan, oil salt sauce vinegar VAT is 14.53 yuan.
Journalists try to provide bills Zhu Yi, calculate he cost of a month, how much "contribution" of the tax (assuming that businesses are the tax cost on to their customers). Zhu Yi in addition to the child's education cost is the wife to pay, he burden of the family daily necessities, such as car charge. Household spending, he spent 7580 yuan a month, and the rough estimates, spending of 7580 yuan, with value-added tax, business tax and consumption tax, a total of $981.86, about 12.9% of the cost. Calculation is not including VAT and urban construction tax and additional taxes.
Tax ten thousand yuan to 7000 yuan
Zhu Yi in the example above, the "white collar" is actually $ten thousand before tax. But for all the talk about income, Zhu Yi still are not satisfied, "practical it is before ten thousand, but more than 7000 yuan, to raise a large family, is actually a moonlight clan."
Why before ten thousand, it was only 7000 yuan, 2000 yuan in the middle of the where did what go? Turned out to pay the social insurance, housing fund and tax.
Originally, in addition to tax 365 yuan, each working class to participate in social insurance and individual pay part including, endowment insurance 8%, 2% of medical treatment insurance, unemployed insurance 1%, that calculate, Zhu Yi pay less $1100. Zhu Yi also need pay accumulation fund, the current regulation is unit can according to the proportion of 5% ~ 12% pay salary, Zhu Yi company selected is 8%, and that another 800 yuan a month into the accumulation fund account, but finally accumulation fund Zhu Yi own.
That is to say, the total deduction of 2265 yuan, is three insurances plus tax money, three insurances accounted for more than eighty percent.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Ten Sexiest Girls in Video Games
Over the past twenty years, I’ve seen a lot of girls in video games.
From rescuing the beautiful Princess Zelda to finding out that the
badass guy in Metroid was really a chick the whole time. There is one
thing that every video game girl has in common: sexiness. Developers
know that players want to rescue the sexy princess. Finding out that
Samus is a girl would have been entirely disappointing if she turned out
to look like Queen Brahne. Lately, there has been a huge increase in
focus on female protagonists, and it got me thinking… who is the sexiest
video game girl? Oh come on, you’ve had that thought, too. Of course, I
couldn’t choose just one, so without further ado, here are the ten
sexiest girls in gaming.
Samus Aran (Metroid Series)
We’ve already mentioned Samus, but let’s be honest, she’s a classic.
Not only does she look incredible in that skin-tight suit of
highly-advanced armor while still managing to be flexible enough to curl
up into a ball, Samus Aran single-handedly took down an entire alien
race. Multiple times. She’s also recognized as being the first playable
female character in a mainstream video game, according to the most
recent Gamer’s Edition of the Guinness World Records. She’s not,
however, the only girl handy with a gun.
Samus Aran (Metroid Series)

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