Really. The orderly was listening behind the desk. the water blue like the sky. We read. I felt I had a certain advantage.I stopped in front of the Villa Rossa. who said Miss Barkley was on dutytheres a war on. I dont go there any more.Do the men know that who attackI dont think so. the major said. You see the point. Did you stay all nightYes. First we passed the regiment. that nothing should be lost. Oh Jesus shoot me Christ shoot me mama mia mama Mia oh purest lovely Mary shoot me.Sure.
I said I thought they had them. depended to a considerable extent on myself. the operation was successful. Three others were up in the mountains at dressing stations. They lifted me and the blanket flap went across my face as we went out. Hes a better man than I am. as the road mounted along the ridge. Ahead there was a rounded turn off in the road to the right and looking down I could see the road dropping through the trees. Stretcher bearers came in all the time. At the post on the top they took the stretcher out and put another in and we went on.We drove fast when we were over the bridge and soon we saw the dust of the other cars ahead down the road. We were in the second army. because they did not bombard it to destroy it but only a little in a military way. I lowered it into the mouth. We are all splendid. I said.
Let me feel it.A whatAn ignorant wop. Did you stay all nightYes. But no. Im leaving now for a show up above Plava. a few freshly washed. She put it in my hand. The lieutenant said I slipped the truss on purpose.I have one. The vineyards were thin and bare-branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with the autumn. Manera said. Tell me. I practised with it. there was the smell of marble floors and hospital. The major said he had heard a report that I could drink. They do it for nothing.
Why notNo. Gordini stood up and went outside with me. But those grenadiers; all over six feet.The next year there were many victories. Its much cooler. youre very good. Rocca said. I stop by.Have you any cheeseThe major spoke grudgingly to the orderly who ducked back into the hole again and came out with a quarter of a white cheese. opened it. But even the peasants know better than to believe in a war. on purpose. Come with me if you want.I was very dusty and dirty and went up to my room to wash.The plain was rich with crops there were many orchards of fruit trees and beyond the plain the mountains were brown and bare. Tenente.
You sons of bitches. mama Mia. Catherine. Ill be wise like you.Youd better not go out. The mountain that was beyond the valley and the hillside where the chestnut forest grew was captured and there were victories beyond the plain on the plateau to the south and we crossed the river in August and lived in a house in Gorizia that had a fountain and many thick shady trees in a walled garden and a wistaria vine purple on the side of the house. And you never know if the girl will really like it. English goddess. There were many marble busts on painted wooden pillars along the walls of the room they used for an office. They all laughed. Anybody may crack. Get well soon. that the office opened on. she said. No one to come in at night from adventures. I had been driving and I sat in the car and the driver took the papers in.
Ive heard about it. I was a fool not to. She was carrying a thin rattan stick like a toy riding-crop. You will like it. Outside the window it was a lovely spring morning.Here is the corkscrew. she said. winefully.Its Manera.In Milano.All bersaglieriI think so.They dropped me once more before we reached the post. in order that I might understand perfectly.He shook his head.There was great laughter from everybody.They dont give them like that.
About the soup. with strange planes. havent youBut I lost the truss.Were almost up. But marble busts all looked like a cemetery. The battery fired twice and the air came each time like a blow and shook the window and made the front of my pajamas flap. cartridges.Hows everythingNot so bad.Its a silly front.I am sorry. Now I must go back to sleep to be fresh and beautiful for Miss Barkley. But then he wanted to go to war and I didnt know. A V. holding below the target and trying to master the jerk of the ridiculous short barrel until I could hit within a yard of where I aimed at twenty paces and then the ridiculousness of carrying a pistol at all came over me and I soon forgot it and carried it flopping against the small of my back with no feeling at all except a vague sort of shame when I met Englishspeaking people.You better wait until the shelling is over. We went for a stretcher but there wasnt any.
I think the heat knocked me over yesterday. We two stopped talking and the captain shouted. they would not be loaded.He poured two glasses and we touched them.Thats awfully nice. The earth of the dugout was warm and dry and I let my shoulders back against the wall. It would only be worse if we stopped fighting. The priest smiled and blushed and shook his head.Outside something was set down beside the entrance. When he stopped swishing and fell asleep they came down and I blew them away and finally covered my face with my hands and slept too.In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. I identified them by their red and white striped collar mark. He had always known what I did not know and what. The shutters were up but it was still going on inside. This machine is no good but the others march. Its been in there too long.
which was protected by a shoulder of the mountain. The major was at the telephone sitting on a box. the stump of his leg twitching. the broken houses of the little town that was to be taken. He laughed.The major spoke to an orderly who went out of sight in the back and came back with a metal basin of cold cooked macaroni. Hes a better man than I am. They poured me more wine and I told the story about the English private soldier who was placed under the shower bath. Its much cooler. she said. The frescoes were not bad. chilblains. There were big search lights on that front mounted on camions that you passed sometimes on the roads at night. So were all on very special behavior. Go on tell me. she said.
It is protected by the little hill. I said.Hello. He did not see me and I did not know whether to go in and report or go upstairs first and clean up. Are they going to have an offensiveYes. gentlemen.Will you tell her how sorry I amYes. Its in the bulletin. went to call on Miss Barkley.Wait a minute.All thinking men are atheists. But I do with you. All the drivers wore puttees but Passini had only one leg.We walked on a way and were stopped under a tree. I wished I were in Milan with her. Passini said sarcastically.
You do not really like it. There are people who are afraid of their officers. British ambulance drivers were killed sometimes. passing on the road. the major said.Priest not happy. They cant do that to everybody. Helen Ferguson. I remembered where I was going. the others dusty. the old bridge where the railway crossed to the other side and across. I remembered where I was going. They seemed glad to see me and in a little while Miss Ferguson excused herself and went away.Yes. Youve had it before. I am listening.
Carabinieri. she said. He was the Kings uncle and commanded the third army. she said. They come and make you be a soldier again. she said. I put thumb and fingers into the macaroni and lifted. You are better with her without me. Now the fighting was in the next mountains beyond and was not a mile away.Thats splendid.Oh.Yes. Nor for the beautiful uniforms. Priest not happy without girls. His right hand left the wheel and opened a button on his tunic and pulled it out from under his shirt. went to the jail and asked to see the priest.
I tried again and my legs moved a little. the line of ties and rails running along it.Why dont you ride with the transport I asked. I havent any papers for you. Anybody may crack. Now the fighting was in the next mountains beyond and was not a mile away.Are you unwoundedWe are both wounded a little. lifting the spaghetti on the fork until the loose strands hung clear then lowering it into the mouth. the King passing in his motor car.Yes. I saluted too but more moderately. Miss Barkley was sitting on a bench in the garden. It was one of those things that gave you a false feeling of soldiering.Leave him alone. You better not go up there drunk.It is probably to draw attention from where the real attack will be.
We caught them and passed them and turned off on a road that climbed up into the hills.I am happy.Are you very tired she asked. on the street.Come on. I said to Gordini. You are my great and good friend and financial protector. then stood up. but it was not successful. I said. There were big search lights on that front mounted on camions that you passed sometimes on the roads at night. Let them keep their sisters in the house.And why didnt you marryI dont know. But then he wanted to go to war and I didnt know. and good news. We are mechanics.
He would loan them mess tins if they did not have them. darling. said Passini. The priest shook his head and went on. Lots of them would have liked him to be king. You get out and fall down by the road and get a bump on your head and Ill pick you up on our way back and take you to a hospital. With your priest and your English girl. It was what I had wanted to do and I tried to explain how one thing had led to another and finally he saw it and understood that I had really wanted to go and it was almost all right. It is disgraceful. I started when he did.He was gone.After a while we said good-night and left. Something picturesque. The gravel paths were moist and the grass was wet with dew. walking carefully in the slush. Now he was bandaging.
Not Ba?chus. baby. They cant go on doing things like the Somme and not crack. It ought to be good. He took my glass and filled it. lifting the spaghetti on the fork until the loose strands hung clear then lowering it into the mouth. We will convert him.Couldnt you take me no place elseIf it was closer to the front I could take you to a first medical post.He will look after you.That doesnt matter. But millions of fools like you dont know it.Not Strega. What if we take San Gabriele What if we take the Carso and Monfalcone and Trieste Where are we then Did you see all the far mountains to day Do you think we could take all them too Only if the Austrians stop fighting. The priest shook his head. Rinaldi put away the bottle and we went down the stairs. The cars would be all right with their good metaltometal brakes and anyway.
I said. the major said. the smashed tunnel by the river where the fighting had been. The priest shook his head.You did say you loved me.Oh. It was very edifying. that the office opened on. Ive seen the holes. It was very hot and when I woke my legs itched. You dont have to pretend you love me.I went back to the majors dugout and he said the field kitchen would be along and the drivers could come and get their stew. He lived in Udine and came out in this way nearly every day to see how things were going. You have a good time The others all grinned too. He hoped the road would not jam. I tried to move but I could not move.
Hes dead.Id really rather. I handed the canteen back to Passini. and mark a cross on both legs. Every one at the table laughed. brown mountains with a little green on their slopes.Shes on duty. and he came from Amalfi. and healthy.No. I say he bellows!I would like you to go to Abruzzi. father. Tenente Gavuzzi asked. She put it in my hand. one for troops and one for officers. I wanted to go to Austria without war.
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