That is true
That is true. The British hospital was a big villa built by Germans before the war. They say so. There were many marble busts on painted wooden pillars along the walls of the room they used for an office. when they wouldnt attack and they shot every tenth manNo. I took her hands. To the silver medal. a noise like a railway engine starting and then an explosion that shook the earth again. the captain commenced picking on the priest. To your valorous wounds.Good Christ I said. I said. Perhaps we should have a drink.
Oh Jesus shoot me Christ shoot me mama mia mama Mia oh purest lovely Mary shoot me. You have a good time The others all grinned too. and then a drink of the wine. What inflicted the woundsThe medical captain. At the foot of the bed was my flat trunk. the captain said. I said. Go on tell me. Maria.Yes there is. The snow slanted across the wind. Dio te salve.I took off my tunic and shirt and washed in the cold water in the basin.
They lifted me onto the table. and put on a dressing.I dont believe a word of this.Where is the gasoline park nowAt the same place. I suppose it was mutual tolerance because the Austrians still kept a bridgehead further down the river. Yes. the thumb up and fingers outspread as when you make shadow pictures. Ahead there was a rounded turn off in the road to the right and looking down I could see the road dropping through the trees. I thought it would be worse for him. The doctors were working with their sleeves up to their shoulders and were red as butchers. Rinaldi was lying on his bed. I saw the blanket open.Hes dead I think.
He should have fine girls. Not Ba?chus. I was blown up while we were eating cheese. I said. I am very moved to see you badly wounded. Goodnight. I sent a couple of army Zona di Guerra postcards. stepping carefully among the wounded.No understand. I thought he had a fine name and he came from Minnesota which made a lovely name: Ireland of Minnesota. I could see the river far down below.Ill take what you can give me. she said.
No. She came back from wherever she had been.I pressed her hand.Has there been any trouble getting parts I asked the sergeant mechanic. but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming.I looked in her eyes and put my arm around her as I had before and kissed her.Passinis dead. The dressing station was on the Austrian side of the river under the edge of the hill and stretcherbearers would bring the wounded back across the pontoon bridge. I said. Gordini said. He laughed. But I am telling it for our priest here. Miss Ferguson walked away in the dark.
He paused and thought.Thats splendid.Also they make money out of it. you cant kiss me here. misunderstandings. the major said. then crossed the river. We went along the rough new military road that followed the crest of the ridge and I looked to the north at the two ranges of mountains.Please lets not lie when we dont have to. sometimes it backed on a turn. It looked as though it might be a mess.I felt it.She looked down at the grass.
Four hundred twenty or minnenwerfer. the captain said. The lieutenant said I slipped the truss on purpose. All alone at the war with no new girls. he said. lootenant. I said. but it was not Catherine. I had imagined that the condition of the cars. said Rinaldi.Its not been away.I say its rotten. Perhaps.
Oh oh oh oh. bronzes looked like something. Bersaglieri are fools. I didnt mean to hurt you. because they did not bombard it to destroy it but only a little in a military way. She was crying. Stupid. You see Im not mad and Im not gone off.You have beautiful hair. One killed and the fellow that brought you.Sit down to it. I had imagined that the condition of the cars. the major said.
Tenente.Come on. you see. I am very moved to see you badly wounded. I was still angry and as I held her suddenly she shivered. I said. They have their own country. aint this a goddam warListen.I have brought him in. The earth of the dugout was warm and dry and I let my shoulders back against the wall. bulged forward under the capes so that the men. They picked me up and took me into the dressing room.Saint Anthony asked the driver.
All right. and the major started us with red wine in mugs. the injustices he had received and in which I participated as an American. she said. The grappa was very strong.What is there to eatWe have a little pasta asciutta. There were many more guns in the country around and the spring had come.How are you. It was a one road show.I have one. I must do something about getting you out of here. painted gray and built like moving-vans. Then I made out my report in my room.
They say if you can prove you did any heroic act you can get the silver. I said. said the priest. the broken houses of the little town that was to be taken. At the gate of the driveway that led up to the British villa. went to the jail and asked to see the priest. You will be good to me. I had it in the car.Yes.Yes there is.You. The wine was bad but not dull. And we have gotten away from the war.
He poured two glasses and we touched them. with the sun on it. We will convert him. It cost fifteen lire.Dont be angry. There are a few real wounded. They carried wounded in and brought them out.We wont quarrel. You take it. I thought perhaps he couldnt stand it and then of course he was killed and that was the end of it.Thats nothing.Goodnight. it was slow in the traffic.
A soldier came along after the last of the stragglers.He does really.You ought to have let me know. That major at the first post was a hogbutcher. That day I visited the posts in the mountains and was back in town late in the afternoon.That priest. Its not a wound.Nonsense. I just couldnt stand the nurseseveningoff aspect of it. As soon as I get the papers on these wounded Ill take you along the road and drop you with your medical officers. I sat beside him.Have you any cheeseThe major spoke grudgingly to the orderly who ducked back into the hole again and came out with a quarter of a white cheese.Yes.
And we have gotten away from the war. I saluted and went out. It isnt me that makes fun of him. the meal was finished. I think the heat knocked me over yesterday. This chap of yours was very anxious for me to see you. I said.This is the third day. Didnt you see itNo. said Rinaldi. Theres no place to drop it. His legs were toward me and I saw in the dark and the light that they were both smashed above the knee. You cant.
I wanted to do something for him. Come with me if you want.They wont crack here. He had always known what I did not know and what. Those were all the Austrians mountains and we had nothing like them.Most of them dont. I said.Wed take quite good care of them and return them to the villa.We must shut up.So long. Mr. in the infantry.Yes.
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