I said
I said. long 6. Ill go and see him and ask if he will recommend you. It was hot walking through the town but the sun was starting to go down and it was very pleasant.You are ignorant. I have to go. They were hospitals beyond the river.All right. in the infantry. Go on. Will you have a cigaretteThanks.Dont you wish you could bellow like himHe bellows. baby. and things went very badly. there were some new hospitals.Better not drink too much brandy then.
We went for a stretcher but there wasnt any. But no. I always thought he was French.Thats splendid. you cant kiss me here. There was another stretcher by the side with a man on it whose nose I could see.Outside something was set down beside the entrance. Are they going to have an offensiveYes. and things went very badly. Some looked pretty bad. Then.Why didnt we see the post when we came down Passini asked. It is a disgrace that they should stay so long that they become friends. Go on. I had been driving and I sat in the car and the driver took the papers in. Oh.
I am listening. Here they would never have arrested him. You take it. The road curved and we saw the three cars looking quite small. My orderly had finished pouring water and the bed felt cool and lovely and I was telling him where to scratch on the soles of my feet against the itching when one of the doctors brought in Rinaldi. I will. They lifted me and the blanket flap went across my face as we went out.Youre a nice boy. The tall English driver came around and looked in. and really you are just like me underneath. The captain waved to me. How are the girlsThere are no girls. wash it out. I looked in the door of the big room and saw the major sitting at his desk. We saw their white uniforms through the trees and walked toward them. There were three doctors that I knew.
It is the captain.You dont wear himNo. Ive seen your Tenente.Its way out. Why dont you go to the hospitalThey wont let me. He sat down beside me. I stood up. The earth of the dugout was warm and dry and I let my shoulders back against the wall.All right.Rinaldi looked at me blankly. It was the first time I had ever heard her laugh. He has a rendezvous. the trees around the square and the long avenue of trees that led to the square; these with there being girls in the town.Goodnight. Another burst and in the noise you could hear the smaller noise of the brick and dirt raining down.War is not won by victory.
felt the brake come off and the clutch go in. and went in under the shed and looked at each of the cars. I put thumb and fingers into the macaroni and lifted. You understand Priest every night five against one. When there is really work they trust us. Priest never with girls. Uninformed.You are crazy. I couldnt move. Rinaldi took the note. I suppose.Sit down to it. the smashed tunnel by the river where the fighting had been. We are mechanics. Why dont you go to the hospitalThey wont let me. I said.
Stretcher bearers came in all the time.Truly I tell you something about your good women.I ate the end of my piece of cheese and took a swallow of wine.You will. Because were going to have a strange life. It is disgraceful. far below. I watched her face. he himself so small that you could not see his face but only the top of his cap and his narrow back.Oh. His nose was skinned and there was dust on the bloody patch and dust in his hair. I saw arched stone bridges over the river where tracks turned off from the road and we passed stone farmhouses with pear trees candelabraed against their south walls and low stone walls in the fields.Of course they dont.Rinaldi picked up the candle. Now Ill probe for some of this if you like but its not necessary.So you make progress with Miss BarkleyWe are friends.
Theres no place to drop it.Start in to eat. You get along very well without me. smoking.Better not drink too much brandy then. unbuttoned the shirt collar and dropped him in under the shirt. They have their own country.In the legs. Tenente. And we have gotten away from the war. The captain waved to me. Did you have any beautiful adventuresYes.No. the major said over his shoulder. These V.That doesnt matter.
Miss Barkley said. They do it for nothing. I knew I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her.Slit the tunic. But its very beautiful. we knew it was all over for that year.Some troops went out. He slapped the bed with his glove.You speak English he asked. I said.Bacchus. Every day I am better.Oh. Those were all the Austrians mountains and we had nothing like them. Im all right. Tenente.
the trees around the square and the long avenue of trees that led to the square; these with there being girls in the town. I said. cloudy with snowwater and running fast through the spiles of the bridge. We stopped at the side of the road. He held up the glass. and the world all unreal in the dark and so exciting that you must resume again unknowing and not caring in the night. I wanted to go to Austria without war. I said. He ought to be able to do something. Your lovely cool goddess. Still I would probably have been killed. Underneath we are the same. It was there that the offensive was to begin.All right. I always thought he was French. I have to go.
Nobody was in sight. We both went flat and with the flash and bump of the burst and the smell heard the singing off of the fragments and the rattle of falling brick.I have brought him in. Tenente. The captain spoke pidgin Italian for my doubtful benefit. he said.Here.I went out to look at the cars and see what was going on and then came back and sat down in the dugout with the four drivers. darling.But now we will shut up. There are some people who never realize. While I rubbed myself with a towel I looked around the room and out the window and at Rinaldi lying with his eyes closed on the bed. We all sang. I said.She looked at me. I didnt mean to hurt you.
I left them working.Hell say I did it on purpose.Priest not with girls.No. Remember carefully. It was hard and slippery. I must make on Miss Barkley the impression of a man of sufficient wealth. Villa San Giovanni. But marble busts all looked like a cemetery. I undid the clasp of the gold chain and put it around my neck and clasped it. brought by Gordini who looked very white and sick. had some coffee in the kitchen and went out to the garage. and mark a cross on both legs.Goodnight. I said.SeeI put my Saint Anthony back in the capsule.
Im Scotch. I will send the liaison officer.Of course some of the bonds were not accounted for but the priest had all of the three per cent bonds and several local obligations. I wished I were in Milan with her.Ill leave you two. he straightened up.I didnt carry anybody. Let them keep their sisters in the house. I knew you was an American. keeping to the side. TenenteWhere is Gordini and GavuzziGordinis at the post getting bandaged. But the Italians had crossed and spread out a little way on the far side to hold about a mile and a half on the Austrian side of the river. the dust rising from the wheels and going off through the trees.Rinaldi poured himself another glass of the cognac.All right. baby.
Ill be right here. baby. Fragments of enemy trench mortar shell. the major said.Wash up and come as you are. cheekfitted. The orderly brought a chair and he sat down. the major said. Close to the bank I saw deep pools. and good news. You are really an Italian.Im awfully sorry.How do you do I said. There was a little shelter of green branches outside over the entrance and in the dark the night wind rustled the leaves dried by the sun. pneumonia and hard and soft chancres. I wished I were in Milan with her.
Then I made out my report in my room. And come to morrow night. sometimes it backed on a turn.Not reallyNever. My hand went in and my knee was down on my shin. then finally it climbed quite fast. I said. his hands moving very fast and the bandage coming taut and sure. Those postcards would be very fine in America; strange and mysterious. Passing where the shells had landed I avoided the small broken places and smelled the high explosive and the smell of blasted clay and stone and freshly shattered flint. lieutenant. Listen. It might be good though. Ill paint all this and Does that sting Good. It was very hot and when I woke my legs itched. They poured me more wine and I told the story about the English private soldier who was placed under the shower bath.
And you never know if the girl will really like it.Im quite well. The grappa was very strong. I felt it against the back of the chair. The priest shook his head and went on.A whatAn ignorant wop.Ill get some. Isnt itWhat is the stick I asked.I do not believe it.Porta feriti I shouted holding my hands cupped. There was fighting in the mountains and at night we could see the flashes from the artillery. There were stretchers lifted and slid into the slings above. cloudy with snowwater and running fast through the spiles of the bridge. I remembered. I had met two gunners from that lot. Perhaps it start again.
Goodnight. Always with the carabinieri.Sit down. and stood up. I learn how to do it. Carabinieri shot them. They did very well last summer. They all ask for you. I unwound the puttee and while I was doing it I saw there was no need to try and make a tourniquet because he was dead already. Not Bacchus. You cant. It was all right if she was. fast and shallow. as when a blast furnace door is swung open. He is a priest; he will appreciate it.Look at the bump.
Bring him a glass of brandy.Hes an American. Shell be off then. come.Its not been away. and a few more houses had been hit by shell fire. which every one ate very quickly and seriously. All right. we are. Ahead there was a rounded turn off in the road to the right and looking down I could see the road dropping through the trees. I got down and went over.Didnt you carry anybody on your back Gordini says you carried several people on your back but the medical major at the first post declares it is impossible. It was very edifying. an officer directing the light and the crew scared. I have to go. I think so.
It was in France of course. it was dark and the Austrian search lights were moving on the mountains behind us. I had not said it before. Please put your hand there again. that there had been three others.Four for 105. The door was open. It evidently made no difference whether I was there to look after things or not. We are brothers and we love each other.Yes. isnt there I was brought up to think there was. Drink that. Evidently it did not matter whether I was there or not. I drove coming back and went fast with the empty car to find the man from Pittsburgh. There are a few real wounded. I unwound the puttee and while I was doing it I saw there was no need to try and make a tourniquet because he was dead already.
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